
3~6岁幼儿家庭亲自然培养现状及对策 被引量:7

On Children's Closing to Nature and Families' Instruction
摘要 亲近自然本是幼儿的天性,但随着城市的发展、时代的变迁,越来越多的因素阻碍了幼儿对自然的亲近。本研究运用问卷调查法及访谈法,对801位家长进行了调查,结果发现:家庭多会选择就近的公园作为主要的亲自然地点;主要利用周末及节假日带孩子亲近自然;只有不到1/3的家庭能够做到经常带孩子亲近自然;孩子在自然中对动物关注度最高,对植物关注度最低;超过1/3的幼儿需要在成人或同伴的陪伴下才能比较持久地探索自然。家长认为影响孩子亲自然的主要原因是自己忙累没时间带孩子去亲自然、受气候影响,以及孩子要学习各种才艺特长没时间去。家长应提高对幼儿亲自然培养的重视程度,不应低估幼儿对自然的适应力,并为其提供更多的锻炼机会;家长应提高自身参与活动的技巧,并增加幼儿与同伴探索自然的机会。此外,幼儿园还应为家庭搭建平台,对其亲自然活动的开展进行有效引导。 It is widely known that close to nature is the inherent nature of children. While with the developing of time and city, more and more children get the "Nature deficiency". In this study questionnaires and interviews were applied to 801 families. The conclusions were: nearby parks were usually selected as activity places; the activity time was always weekends and holidays; only one third families could go outdoor frequently; animals were much more favored than plants by the kids; more than one third children needed accompany in order to persist long time exploration of nature. Hindered elements studied among parents were lack of time, weather and kids' needing to learn talents. Suggestions were put forward based on the study results.
作者 王莉 陈知君
出处 《学前教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第8期34-38,共5页 Studies in Early Childhood Education
基金 全国教育科学"十二五"规划2011年度教育部重点课题"3~6岁幼儿亲自然情感培养策略的实践研究"(批准号:DHA110243)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 亲近自然 环境教育 家庭教育 close to nature, environment education, family education
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