目的探讨专科护理门诊开展危险因素筛查与护理指导对预防糖尿病足的效果。方法对100例2型糖尿病患者进行糖尿病足危险因素筛查,并对患者进行护理指导。结果 100例患者均掌握相关糖尿病足部护理知识,其中85例患者每天检查足部,40例患者掌握修剪指甲的方法,37例患者不同程度戒烟,36例患者正确选择鞋袜,10例患者改变不良生活习惯。结论通过对糖尿病足危险因素筛查并进行针对性的护理指导,提高糖尿病患者的防范意识和生活质量,降低糖尿病足的发病率、截肢率。
Objective To study the effect of the screening of the factors related to and the care guidance for the prevention of diabetic foot carried out in specialty care clinics. Methods 100 diabetes patients received the screening of the factors related to and the care guidance for diabetic foot. Results All of the patients mastered the nursing knowledge of diabetic foot, which was proved by the fact that 85 patients developed a habit of checking their feet every day, 40 patients came to know how to trim nails correctly, 37 patients quitted smoking in varying degrees, 36 patients enabled themselves to choose suitable shoes and socks and 10 patients got rid of their bad living habit. Conclusion The screening of the factors related to and the care guidance for the prevention of diabetic foot were proved to be effective in improving the quality of the patients' life and their awareness to prevent diabetic foot and decreasing the incidence and amputation rate of diabetic foot.
Journal of Foshan University(Natural Science Edition)