五灵丸能明显降低SD人鼠用D-氨基乳糖引起的SGPT和SGOT增高,分别由1284±235nmol/s和3171±379nmol/s降至691±119nmol/s(4500mg/kg组),824±93nmol/s(2250mg/kg组)和1848±331nmol/s(4500mg/kg组).1950±331nmol/s(2250mg/kg组); 并能降低血清胆固醇和甘油三酯,分别由2.02±0.46mmol/L和0.74±0.11mmol L降至1.64±0.25mmol L.1.59±0.19mmol/L和0.48±0.08mmol/L,0.54±0.08mmol/L,提高血中白蛋白 球蛋白的比值,分别由1.22±0.16和1.12±0.48升至2.04±0.33和2.12±0.40.组化与越显微结构揭示.治疗组肝细胞基本完整,胞质丰满,RNA、肝糖原增加,线粒体边缘清晰,粗面内质网正常,滑面内质网增加.结果提示:五灵丸对D-氨基乳糖受损的大鼠肝细胞有明显的修复作用.
Wuhngwan can markedly lower the elevations of scrum transammase level SGPT and SGOT, from 1 284± 235 nmol s and 3 171± 379 nmol/s to 691 ± 119 nmol s (4 500 mg; kg group ); 824 ± 93 nmol/s (2 250 mg kg group ) and 1 848 ±331 nmol s (4 500 mg kg group ), 1 950 _ 331 nmol s (2 250 mg kg group ) respectively . Cholesterol and triglyccridc induced by D - galaciosaminc from 2.02 ± 0.46 mmol L and 0.74 _ 0.11 mmol/L to 1.64 ± 0.25 mmol/L . 1.59 ± 0.19 mmol L and 0.48 1 0.08 mmol L, 0.54 ±0.08 mmol/L respectively ; and wulingwan raises the ratio of albumin and globulin from 1.22 _ 0.16 and 1.12 _ 0.48 to 204 ±0.33 and 212 ± 0.40 respectively . It has been discovered that hepatic cells of the treated rats are fundamentally integral ; the cytoplasm is nch and the hepatic, glyxogcn and RNA are increased The rough endoplasmic rcticula arc normal and the smooth endoplasmic rcticula in the therapy groups arc increased . These results show that wulingwan has recovering effects on hepatic lesion caused by D - glaciosammc in rats
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
medicine herbal
mcdianc, Chinese traditional
liver injury: recovering effect