目的探讨小儿腹型过敏性紫癜CT特征,以提高临床诊断的速度及准确率。方法回顾性分析25例小儿腹型过敏性紫癜CT表现,并与临床、消化道镜检查相对照,总结小儿腹型过敏性紫癜CT特征。结果 225例患者,64%患儿(16/25)例患儿为节段性病变;25例患者肠壁均出现不同程度的水肿、增厚(25/25,100%),肠管积液、扩张17例(17/25,68.0%),腹腔局限性积液15例(15/25,60%),肠套叠2例(2/25,8.0%)及消化道穿孔1例(1/25,4.0%)。小儿腹型过敏性紫癜消化道镜检查主要表现为胃充血、水肿以及类似于皮疹或小的溃疡。结论螺旋CT能有效发现儿童腹型过敏性紫癜的节段性肠管水肿及主要并发症,结合临床表现,能提高诊断准确率。
Objective To assess the value of muhislice computed tomography (MSCT) in abdominal allergic purpura in children. Methods The clinical, MSCT and endoscopic features of 25 children with abdominal allergic purpura were analyzed retrospectively. Results On MSCT, 64.0% (16125) of the patients had segmental bowel wall edema and thickening (25), bowel distension (17), peritoneal fluid collection (15), intussusception (2) and perforation of upper digestive tract (1). The endoscopic findings were gastric mucosa congestion, edema and smaU ulcers. Conclusions MSCT is valuable in demonstrating segmental bowel wall edema and complications of abdominal allergic purpura.
Diagnostic Imaging & Interventional Radiology