
环境条件对空间候选植物青菜的影响 被引量:1

Influence of Environmental Conditions on Growth and Development of a Space Experiment Candidate Plant of Chinese Cabbage
摘要 目的分析在较小的密闭环境中植物生长发育受光照、重力和乙烯等因素的影响,提出相应的空间实验对策。方法青菜幼苗在模拟空间密闭培养箱中培养至开花。光照采用LED作为光源,并利用三维回转的方法模拟微重力效应,利用化学脱除剂控制环境中乙烯浓度。结果 LED蓝光谱段和红光谱段组合光源可以作为青菜培养的光源;叶柄和花柄是对重力变化响应的敏感部位,也是影响植株向重力性形态建成的关键部位;以高锰酸钾为主要成分的脱除剂能较好地去除密闭培养空间中的乙烯。结论光照周期、光质和光照强度对青菜生长有明显的影响;重力变化显著影响青菜叶和花的发育;去除培养环境中的乙烯是保证植物正常生长发育的重要途径之一。 Objective To analyze the influences in the small closed culture chamber on the of environmental factors, such as light, gravity growth and development of higher plants for providing countermeasures in space experiments. Methods The Chinese cabbage seedlings were cultured and ethylene, corresponding in a simulated space culture chamber and developed into reproductive stage. Illumination was provided with light banks of LED lamps and a 3-D clinostat was used to produce a stimulated microgravity environment. Ethylene concentration in the growth chamber was regulated with potassium permanganate. Results A collection of LEDs with the blue and red light source were used as light source for Chinese cabbage culture in an airtight chamber. Petioles and pedicles of Chinese cabbage were the gravity sensitive sites, which could play a key role in regulating gravi-morphogenesis. In addition, the effect ethylene scavengers on the growth of the Chinese cabbage was also tested and found that the scavenger, which main component is potassium permanganate, could remove the ethylene efficiently. Conclusion The developmental transformation of the Chinese cabbage from the vegetaflower of Chinese cabbage. Removal of ethylene from the closed culture chamber is important to the higher nlants ~rowth and develonment.
作者 张岳 郑慧琼
出处 《航天医学与医学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期243-248,共6页 Space Medicine & Medical Engineering
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(2011CB710902) 国家载人航天项目 国家自然基金面上项目(30970264) 中国科学院微重力重点实验室资助项目
关键词 空间环境条件 密闭培养箱 光周期 乙烯 回转器 青菜 space environmental conditions closed culture chamber photoperiod ethylene clinostats Chi-nese cabbage
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