Objective To reveal the mechanism of inflanunation accompanied osteoporosis by examining the effect of CD4+CD25 + T cells on osteoclasts formation and bone absorption. Methods Mouse CDllb cells and CD4+CD25+ T cells were isolated using the microbead-based kits. The CDllb+ monocytes were cultured alone or cocultured with CD4+CD25+ or CD4+2D25- T cells, respectively. The numbers of osteoclasts and bone absorption pits were compared among the three groups. One-way ANOVA and U test was used for statistical analysis. Results The purities of isolated CD4+CD25+ T cells, CD4+CD25- T cells and CD1lb+ monocytes were all over 90% confirmed by flow cytometry. At day 7, the CD1lb+ monocytes cocul- tured with CD4+CD25 + T cells generated significantly less osteoclasts, bone absorption pits than those cocultured with CD4+CD25 T cells and those cultured alone (all P〈0.01). The number of osteoclasts of the three groups was 3.4±0.8, 16.2±+1.3, 16.2±2.7 (the mean number of osteoblasts of 5 high-power fields with 200 power electronic microscopy) respectively; the number of bone absorption pits was 15.3±2.8, 47.4±4.8 and 50.3±5.0 (the mean number of 10 field with 100 power electronic microscopy)respectively. The number of osteoclasts and bone absorption pits of the CD4+CD25 + T group were significantly lower than the other two groups (all P〈0.01). Conclusion CD4+CD25. T cells inhibit osteoclasts formation and its bone absorption effect, which highlights the role of CD4+CD25+ T cells on osteoporosis due to immune dysfunction.
Chinese Journal of Rheumatology