Objective: To observe the expression of IGFI during pollen pini preventing and delaying parotid tissues from getting senescent. Method: Made rat models with subacute senility by means of continu ous intraperitoneal injection with Dgalactosum and observed the effects of pollen pini of different on the ex pression of epidermal growth factor receptor( IGFI ) in senescent parotid tissues. Results: IGFI was ex pressed extensively in parotid tissues j with the expression of IGFI in the rat model group with subacute se nility caused by Dgalactosum fallen remarkably and shown a remarkable difference compared with the nor mal control group ( P〈0.01 ) ; but after pollen pini was given into the senescent parotid tissues, the expres sion of IGFI especially that in the medium did group, rose remarkably. Conclusion:Pollen pini had the effect of relieving the disorder of parotid tissues in senescent male rats and preventing and delaying their pa rotid tissues from getting senescent.
Hebei Medicine