
彩色马铃薯块茎花色素苷分析测定 被引量:6

Determination and Analysis of Total Anthocyanin in Colorful Potatoes
摘要 彩色马铃薯是天然色素的潜在来源之一。本试验综合利用紫外/可见光谱法和pH示差法,初步定性和定量分析了6个彩色马铃薯品种块茎的花色素苷。结果表明,不同颜色马铃薯块茎花色素苷的类型和含量不同。紫色马铃薯师大6号和小乌洋芋的主要花色素苷为锦葵色素-3-葡萄糖苷,含量分别为1.086和0.376 mg/g.FW。红色品种的主要花色素苷为天竺葵色素-3-葡萄糖苷,含量为0.159~0.873 mg/g.FW。同一品种块茎不同组织的花色素苷含量存在明显差异。基于上述结果,对花色素苷的简易测定方法进行了简要的分析和讨论。 The colorful potato is one of the potential resources of natural colorants.The anthocyanin in six colorful potato cultivars/landraces were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed by a combination of spectrophotometric method and pH differential method.The results showed that the type and content of anthocyanins was different among the different potato cultivars/landraces.Malvidin-3-glycoside was the major component of anthocyanins in the purple-fleshed cultivars including the Shida No.6 and the little black potato,which the amount was 1.086 and 0.376 mg/g·FW,respectively.Pelargonidin-3-glycoside was the major component of anthocyanins in the red-skin/fleshed cultivars/landraces,which the amount was ranged from 0.159 to 0.873 mg/g·FW.In addition,anthocyanin contents was significant difference in the different parts of one tuber.Based on the above results,a rapid and simple method for anthocyanin determination was discussed at the last.
出处 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期950-956,共7页 Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 云南省科技厅国际合作计划"马铃薯抗晚疫病育种群体B研究与开发"项目(2008CA027) 云南省科技厅重点农产品开发计划"马铃薯抗晚疫病中早熟(特色)新品种选育"项目(2009BB01) 云南省现代农业马铃薯产业技术体系马铃薯育种与繁育岗位专家项目(2011-191) 云南省中青年学术技术带头人后备人才培养计划项目(2008PY053)
关键词 彩色马铃薯 花色素苷 定性分析 定量分析 Colorful potato Anthocyanins Qualitative analysis Quantitative analysis
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