

Global deterministic of two classes of semigroups
摘要 证明两类半群G0和G1都是整体决定的.设G是群,e是G的单位元.记G0=G∪{0}为由G添加一个零元0所得的半群,即G0是0-群.记G1=G∪{1}为由G另外添加了一个幺元1所得的半群,注意1≠e,且1是半群G1的幺元.设G0为由所有G0所构成的半群类和G1为由所有G1所构成的半群类. The global deterministic of the two classes of semigroups Go and G1 was proved. Let G be a group and e is the identity of G. Go =GU{0} denotes the semigroup obtained from G by adjoining a zero 0 to the group G and G1 =GU{ 1} denotes the semigroup obtained from G by adjoining an extra identity 1 to the group G. Notice that l=g=e and la=al=a for any aEGx. Let G= {Go :G is a group}and G1 = {G: :G is a group}.
出处 《纺织高校基础科学学报》 CAS 2013年第2期162-165,共4页 Basic Sciences Journal of Textile Universities
基金 江西省自然科学基金资助项目(2010GZS0093)
关键词 Clifford-半群 闭子半群 整体 group Clifford semigroup elosed subsemigroup global
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