
蛋白芯片在结核性胸膜炎中的诊断价值 被引量:1

The Value of Protein Chip in Diagnosis of Tuberculosis Pleurisies
摘要 目的探讨蛋白芯片在结核性胸膜炎中的诊断价值。方法对我院内科住院的89例胸膜炎病人,其中结核性50例,癌性32例,炎性7例。通过检测血清中特异性LAM、16KD、38KD抗体与胸水ADA结果进行比较,LAM、16KD、38KD抗体任两项阳性有意义,胸水ADA>45U/L为阳性,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果胸膜炎结核组血清蛋白芯片阳性42例,阴性8例;癌性组蛋白芯片阳性2例,阴性30例;炎性组蛋白芯片阳性1例,阴性6例。结核性组胸水ADA>45U/L43例,ADA<45U/L7例;癌性组胸水ADA>45U/L3例,ADA<45U/L29例;炎性组胸水ADA>45U/L2例,ADA<45U/L5例。蛋白芯片阳性率结核性胸膜炎组84%,癌性组阳性率6.25%,炎性组阳性率14.2%;ADA阳性率结核组胸水为86%,癌性组9.37%,炎性组28.57%。P<0.05。结论蛋白芯片法检测结核抗体在结核性胸膜炎中具有一定的诊断价值。 Objective To explore the value of protein chip in diagnosis of tuberculosis pleurisies.Methods Draw an item at random of 89 pleuritis patients in medical ward of our hospital from December,2010 to December,2011 consisting of 50 with tuberculo-pleuritis,32 with carcinomatouspleurisy,and 7with Inflamnatory Pleurisy.Examine the specificity of LAM,16KD and 38KD antibody in serum with three kinds of protein chips and compare it with Hydrothorax ADA.If any two of them are positive,the exam is valid.(hydrothorax AdA 45U / L is considered to be positive.) P〈0.05 represents difference.Result 50 tuberculo-pleuritis consists of 42 positive cases and 8 negative ones,or 43 with hydrothorax ADA more than 45U / L,and 7 less than that;32 carcinomatouspleurisy 2 positive cases and 30 negative cases,or 3 with hydrothorax ADA more than 45U / L,and 29 less than that;while 7 Inflamnatory Pleurisy is 1 and 6,or 2 with hydrothorax ADA more than 45U / L,and 5 less than that.Thus among tuberculo-pleuritis cases,84% are positive,carcinomatouspleurisy is 6.25%,and Inflamnatory Pleurisy14.2% hydrothorax ADA in tuberculo-pleuritis is that 86% is positive,in carcinomatouspleurisy is that 9.37% is positive,and in Inflamnatory Pleurisy is 28.57%.Compare these three groups of figures and analysize them in statistics,we can conclude that P is less than 0.05.Conclusion the examination of TB-Ab with protein chip has certain value in diagnosis of tuberculosis pleurisies.
作者 钱春芳 夏勇
出处 《临床肺科杂志》 2013年第8期1461-1462,共2页 Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine
关键词 蛋白芯片 结核抗体 胸水ADA 结核性胸膜炎 Protein Chip TB-Ab hydrothorax ADA tuberculosis pleurisies
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