
三种不确定性对研发人员激励契约影响实证研究 被引量:3

An Empirical Study on Influence of Three Types of Uncertainty on Incentive Contracts to Research Staff
摘要 由于研发活动的高度不确定性,研发人员的激励问题成为一个难点。本文从不确定性角度出发,将研发人员激励面临的不确定性细分为技术不确定性、市场不确定性和主观测度不确定性,并通过实证方法研究了三种不确定性对研发人员激励契约选择的影响。研究表明:技术不确定性是影响研发人员激励契约设计的关键,应当给予研发人员充分授权,并采用基于业绩的激励契约加以约束;当市场不确定性程度较高时,基于主观业绩的激励契约将成为企业的主要选择,这时努力降低主观测度不确定性将成为激励有效性的关键。 It is very difficult to incentive research staff for the high uncertainty characteristic of R&D. From the perspec- tive of uncertainty, this paper indicates that three types of uncertainty - technology uncertainty, market uncertainty and assessment uncertainty, will influence incentive to research staff. By using empirical study methods, this paper studies how the three types of uncertainty influence research staff's choice to incentive contract. The study results show that: technology uncertainty is a key factor to influence incentive contracts design, so research staff should be fully empowered and controlled by incentive contracts based on performance. However, when market uncertainty is high, incentive con- tracts based on subjective performance will become the principal choice. At this time, reducing assessment uncertainty becomes the key to incentive effectiveness.
出处 《商业研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期76-84,共9页 Commercial Research
基金 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目 项目编号:2010JK133 西安工程大学博士科研启动基金项目 项目编号:BS0914
关键词 研发人员激励 技术不确定性 市场不确定性 测度不确定性 incentive to research staff technology uncertainty market uncertainty assessment uncertainty
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