以红麻品种中杂红318为实验材料,检测盐碱地红麻的生长特性。结果发现:在南疆阿拉尔地区,红麻生长表现为前慢,中快至高峰,步入均速期后,长速缓降至停止。随着密度的增加,群体的株高、茎粗呈现出下降;其干茎、干皮和干骨产量同步增长,至30万株/hm2时,其产量分别为23.80、9.65和14.15 t/hm2,而后产量增长幅度逐渐减慢;高密度群体的皮骨比值相对较高。
In south of Xinjiang, Alae Kenaf' s model of growth tendency is seems like a S style. It grows slowly during the early growth stage, grows rapidly to peak level at middle stage. After stepped into uniform motion age, the growing velocity is slowly decreased and finally arrested. Kenaf population height and stem diameter decreases with increasing stand densi- ty. It shows that there is a synchronous increase effect between yield of dry stem, bark, stalk and different density. When growth density up to 300 000 plants per hectare, the yield of dry stem, bark and stalk is reach to peak of 23.80,9. 65 and 14. 15 t/hmz. The ratio of bark and stalk is higher when cultured in high density. And then, the increasing range slows gradually, but the increasing range of dry bark is greater than dry stalk.
Crop Research