为了彻底解决矿区看电视问题,库车广电与移动公司合作,利用移动矿区光缆传送数字电视信号,采用无线+有线的方式实现矿区数字电视全覆盖,矿区距离城区远,采用1 550 nm传送,技术人员做了详细的测试,和ACE厂家技术人员根据测试数据反复研究做出详细设计方案,按照设计开通大平滩煤矿信号,实测光信号指标与设计基本吻合,100多套数字电视节目接收良好,达到设计要求,实现了数字电视信号的长距离传送。
Workers and people around the mine area on northmountain of Kuche have a problem with watching TV.Kuche radio and TV Bureau,in cooperation with the China mobile,use their cable to transmit digital TV signals.The signals coverage the full mine area by wired and wireless mode.Our technicians have made lots of tests for 1 550 nm transmission,and finally designed the scheme according to detail test results with the technicians from ACE co.to achieve the long distance transmission between the city and the mine area.The actual optical signal of DA PING TAN mine is in accord with our design,and people can receive more than 100 digital television sets.We have achieved long distance transmission of digital television signals.
China Digital Cable TV
mining area
1 550 nm transmission
wireless and wired digital television coverage