
基于DS证据理论的灰色航迹关联技术研究 被引量:5

Research on Gray Track Correlation Based on DS Theory
摘要 为了充分利用信号在时间上的冗余性,尽可能降低信号不确定性带来的影响,将DS证据理论引入到灰色航迹关联过程中,对局部节点每一时刻观测样本之间的灰关联度集合给出一个信任测度,然后利用DS组合规则对各时刻观测样本的信任度进行合成,得到信任度更高的结果,从而提升航迹正确关联率。仿真试验结果证明该算法性能明显优于单纯的灰色航迹关联算法。 A new gray track algorithm is proposed.In order to make the best use of the time redundancy of the signal and reduce the effect of the uncertainty of the signal,DS evidence theory is introduced during the processing of track correlation based on the gray theory.The gray correlation grade sets of observation samples from multiple sensor nodes at each frame are utilized as belief measures to determine the probability distribution function,and then DS evidence theory is used to fuse the result information to improve correct correlation rate of tracks.The simulation results show the performance of the proposed algorithm is better than the gray track correlation algorithm.
出处 《中国电子科学研究院学报》 2013年第3期240-243,共4页 Journal of China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology
基金 总装预研项目(102060302)
关键词 航迹关联 灰色理论 DS证据理论 track correlation gray theory Dempster Shafer evidence theory
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