
非立即损耗和存货影响销售下的高科技农产品订货策略 被引量:2

Order Policy for High Technology Products with Stock-dependent Selling Rate and Non-instantaneous Deterioration
摘要 科技创新是实现农业现代化的一个重要手段,大力开发高科技农产品,对增加农产品产量,提高其品质和安全水平,以及促进农业长期可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。考虑高科技农产品存在明显的存货影响销售和非立即损耗现象,建立一个两阶段存货影响销售的非立即损耗产品订货模型。利用Mathematica5.0软件进行数值仿真计算,分析存货影响销售、产品损耗和产品保质期对订货策略和平均利润的影响。研究结果表明:存货影响销售率因子和产品损耗率对订货策略影响较大,而存货影响销售率因子和存货影响销售临界点对平均利润影响较大,在制定订货策略时必须考虑这两大因素。 Scientific and technological innovation is an important approach to achieve modernization of agriculture. Making great efforts to develop high technology produce has a significance for increasing the yield, and improving the quality and safety of products and promoting sustainable development of agriculture. Considering that high technology products have an obvious phenomenon of stock - dependent selling rate and non - instantaneous deterioration, an ordering model of high technology produce with two - level stock - dependent selling rate and non - instantaneous deterioration is established. Numerical simulation is calculated by mathematica 5.0 software and the effect of key parameters such as stock - dependent selling rate, product deterioration rate and quality guarantee period on ordering policy and average profit are analyzed. It shows that the factor of stock - dependent selling rate and the deterioration rate have a greater impact on the ordering policy than that of other factors ; the factor of stock - dependent selling rate and the critical point of stock - dependent selling rate have a greater effect on the average profit than that of others. The two factors should be considered to make order policy for distributors.
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第13期238-240,244,共4页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"第四方物流模式下运输与库存联合优化的分布式方法"(70872123)
关键词 高科技农产品 存货影响销售率 非立即损耗 订货策略 high technology produce stock - dependent selling rate non - instantaneous deterioration ordering policy
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