
弱管理控制与中国企业的跨国知识转移 被引量:1

Low-Level Management Control and Chinese Firms' Cross-Border Knowledge Transfer
摘要 基于组织学习理论探讨跨国并购中的管理控制策略与中国企业知识转移之间的关系。通过对三家中国企业的案例比较研究发现,对目标公司的弱控制会促进中国企业知识转移的进程,提出了管理控制与跨国知识转移的理论模型,并认为管理控制策略主要是通过作用于员工的合作意愿和文化差异对知识转移的有效性产生影响的。 This paper employs organizational learning theory to provide an understanding of the relationship between management control policy of acquired firm and Chinese firm's knowledge-transfer. Through multiple-case study of three Chinese firms, this paper examines the mechanism under which low-level control of acquired firm facilitates Chinese firm's knowledge-transfer. Based on organizational learning theory and results of case study, this paper comes up with the theoretical model of management control and cross-border knowledge transfer, which indi- cates that cooperation willingness of acquired firm's employees and culture barrier influenced by management con- trol policy
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期52-62,共11页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"我国新一轮对外开放的战略布局 主要目标与政策选择研究"(ZD007) 国家自然科学基金项目"转轨经济下中外合资企业控制权动态演进与绩效的关系研究"(70902034)
关键词 中国企业 知识转移 跨国并购 管理控制 will have an impact on effective knowledge transfer : Chinese firms knowledge transfer cross-border acquisitions management control
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