
承接方知识获取机制对ITO项目绩效的影响 被引量:5

The Effects of Vendors' Knowledge Acquisition on ITO Project Performance
摘要 基于离岸信息技术外包(ITO)情境,分析了承接方知识获取机制(外部知识共享和内部知识整合)对项目绩效的影响,探讨了任务不确定性(任务波动性和任务复杂性)对知识获取机制—项目绩效关系的调节作用,探明了不同任务不确定性情境下外部知识共享和内部知识整合对项目绩效的影响差异。运用西安、苏州、大连三地163个离岸ITO项目的问卷调研数据验证并支持了相关假设。 Based on the context of offshore information technology outsourcing (ITO), this paper analyzed the ef- fects of vendors' knowledge acquisition (external knowledge sharing and internal knowledge integration) on project performance, explored the moderating effects of task uncertainty (task variability and task complexity) for the rela- tionship between knowledge acquisition and project performance, and examined the different effects of external knowledge sharing and intemal knowledge integration in different task uncertainty context. We used 130 offshore ITO project data of Xi'an, Suzhou and Dalian to empirically test our hypothesis. Hypotheses are well supported by the empirical results
作者 张千军 刘益
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期74-82,共9页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"离岸KPO客户服务质量治理机制研究"(71172128) "渠道关系中专项投资不对称的形成机制及作用效果研究"(71102064)
关键词 外部知识共享 内部知识整合 任务波动性 任务复杂性 信息技术外包 external knowledge sharing internal knowledge integration task variability task complexity informa- tion technology outsourcing
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