
绿色战略如何影响企业绩效——基于转型经济情境的研究 被引量:12

Whether Corporate Green Strategy Enhance or Reduce the Corporate Performance?: A Research Based on Transitional Economy
摘要 针对企业实施绿色战略究竟是不利于生产率,还是有利于提升竞争力的争论焦点,以江苏省上市公司为研究对象,探讨了绿色战略如何影响企业绩效,以及在我国转型经济制度背景下,可占有性理论对绿色战略与企业绩效关系的解释。研究结果表明:在初期,绿色战略的实施不利于企业绩效的提升;不同所有制企业由于其资源获取性以及经营合法性的差异,绿色战略实施的结果也不相同;国有企业虽然占有较多的资源,却并没有将"绿色"转化为新的利润来源;企业规模对绿色战略和绩效之间的关系存在调节作用。 In order to check the debate that whether the implementation of the green strategy is not conductive to productivity or is conductive to enhance the competitiveness, focusing on the listed companies in Jiangsu Province, this paper explored the way that green strategy affecting business performance, also checked the effect of appropriability theoretical framework on the interpretation of the relationship of green strategy and business performance in the context of the transitional economy. The results showed: at the early period, the implementation of the green strategy is not conducive to business performance. Due to differences in access to resources and the legality of the operation, for the enterprises of different ownership, the implementation of green strategy has different el- fect. Although the state-owned enterprises have more resources, but they don't transfer 'green' into a new source of profit. Firm scale has a moderate effect on the relationship of green strategy and corporate performance
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期141-149,共9页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71173102) 教育部人文社科项目(10YJC630247) 国家社会科学基金重大项目"‘十二五’时期我国发展的创新驱动战略研究"(11&ZD004) 南京大学研究生科研创新基金项目"环境战略对企业技术创新绩效影响研究"(2011CW05)
关键词 绿色战略 可占有性理论 所有权结构 规模 green strategy theory of appropriability ownership structure size
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