
中国公民科学素养及其影响因素模型的构建与分析 被引量:29

Constructing and analysis of the model of how the factors affect the scientific literacy of Chinese citizens and a comparative investigation
摘要 以2010年中国公民科学素养调查数据为基础,利用验证性因子分析(CFA)抽取公民对科技的兴趣度、参与度和科技信息来源等因子,利用结构方程模型(SEM)构建中国公民科学素养及其影响因素模型,并进行模型的信度、效度检验,定量分析了教育、大众媒体、科普场馆和设施等因素对中国公民科学素养的影响。通过与美国学者构建的相应模型进行比较,分析不同社会语境公民科学素养的影响因素特点,给出有效提高中国公民科学素养水平的模式和途径。 This paper was based on data of China civic scientific literacy survey in 2010, using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to extract factors of interest( public interests in S&T), engagement (public engagement of S&T ) , information (the information sources of S&T). We built the model of civic scientific literacy and its impact factors of China via structural equation modeling (SEM) , which re- vealed the features of how these influential factors affected the Chinese citizens' scientific literacy. Reliability and validity of the model were also tested. A comparative analysis was made through the American researchers' similar study, it summarized different social con- texts in US and China results in different influentiaX factors which affected civic scientific literacy. It had made an attentive effort to im- prove the level of Chinese citizen' s scientific literacy and Chinese public understanding of science.
机构地区 中国科普研究所
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期983-990,共8页 Studies in Science of Science
关键词 公民科学素养 结构方程模型 影响因素 比较分析 civic scientific literacy structural equation modeling factors comparative analysis
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