
184例老年晚期非小细胞肺癌的临床特点及预后分析 被引量:5

Clinical characteristics and prognosis in elderly patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer
摘要 目的探讨老年晚期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的临床特点及预后因素。方法回顾性分析2005年1月至2006年12月收治的184例老年晚期NSCLC患者的临床资料,随访生存情况,分析性别、吸烟状况、Karnofsky评分(KPS)、TNM分期、病理类型、简化合并症评分(simplified comorbidi-ty score,SCS)和治疗方式等因素对老年晚期NSCLC患者生存期的影响。结果全组患者中位年龄73岁,确诊肺癌后5年生存率为11.4%。单因素分析显示,KPS、TNM分期、SCS、手术、化疗和(或)靶向治疗与预后相关。Cox多因素分析显示,KPS<70分、SCS>9分、未行化疗和(或)靶向治疗是影响老年晚期NSCLC患者的独立预后不良因素。结论 KPS、合并症和治疗方式等多种因素影响老年晚期NSCLC患者的预后生存,老年肺癌患者多伴有合并症,重视并积极控制合并症,有助于改善预后,延长生存时间。 Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics and prognosis of advanced non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) in elderly patients(≥70 years).Methods A retrospective study of the clinical characteristics in 184 cases of advanced NSCLC in elderly patients was described.All the patients were hospitalized between January 2005 and December 2006.All the potential prognostic factors,including gender,smoking status,pathological type,clinical stage,Karnofsky performance score(KPS),simplified comorbidity score(SCS) and therapeutic method were evaluated.Results The median age of study participants was 73 years old,and The 5-year survival rate was 11.4%.Univariate analysis revealed that clinical stage,KPS,SCS and therapeutic method were factors significantly related to prognosis in elderly NSCLC.In multivariate analysis,clinical stages,SCS and therapeutic method may be independent prognostic factors of NSCLC in elderly patients.Conclusions Clinical stages,SCS and therapeutic method may be independent factors prognostic of NSCLC in the elderly.The SCS,appears more informative than the CCI in predicting NSCLC patient outcome.Comorbidities might be taken into account as an important variable on treatment of NSCLC.
出处 《中国肿瘤临床与康复》 2013年第6期554-557,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology and Rehabilitation
关键词 老年人 非小细胞肺 简化合并症评分 Aged Carcinoma non-small cell lung Simplified comorbidity score
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