
GATA-2与免疫球蛋白重链胚系基因C_μ 在白血病细胞中的表达及其意义

Expression of GATA-2 Gene and Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain Germline Gene C_μ in Leukemia Cells and Its Significance
摘要 应用逆转录 聚合酶链反应 (RT PCR)对不同类型白血病患者骨髓 (BM )或外周血 (PB)细胞GATA 2和IgH胚系基因Cμ mRNA的表达进行检测 ,探讨GATA 2与IgH胚系基因Cμ 在白血病细胞中的表达与共表达及意义。在正常人BM和PB细胞中未检测到GATA 2和IgH胚系基因Cμ。在急性髓性白血病 (AML)和急性淋巴细胞白血病 (ALL)以及慢性粒细胞白血病慢性期(CML CP)GATA 2检出率分别为 91.3% ,75 %和 83.3% ,而IgH胚系基因Cμ 检出率分别为4 7.8% ,4 1.6%和 5 .6% ,慢性粒细胞白血病加速期 (AP)和急变期 (BC)全部表达GATA 2 ,其中部分病例表达IgH胚系基因Cμ。 4 7.8%的AML ,4 1.6%的ALL ,5 .6%的CML CP和 33.3%的CML AP及 4 0 %的CML BC患者共表达GATA 2和IgH胚系基因Cμ。GATA 2 +IgH胚系基因Cμ+AML和ALL细胞表面标志以HLA DR的表达为主。GATA 2作为造血系统的转录调节因子在白血病中的异常高表达是一个常见现象 ,胚系基因的活化与白血病的发生密切相关 ,是白血病发生机制中的另一重要环节。GATA 2与IgH胚系基因Cμ 的共表达提示白血病的发生是多种机制共同作用的结果。GATA 2 +IgH胚系基因Cμ+白血病 (包括AML ,ALL ,CLL)以HLA DR的表达占优势 ,推测其起源在早期造血干 To investigate the significance of GATA-2 and immunoglobulin heavy chain germline gene C μ(IgH germline gene C μ) expression and coexpression in various leukemia cells, GATA-2 and IgH germline gene C μ mRNA in bone marrow and peripheral blood cells from 63 leukemia patients were detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR). No GATA-2 or IgH germline gene C μ mRNA were detected in normal bone marrow and peripheral blood. GATA-2 mRNA were be detected in 91.3% patients with acute myeloid leukemia(AML), 75% patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia(ALL) as well as 83.3% patients with chronic myeloid leukemia(CML-CP); IgH germline gene C μ mRNA were be identified in 47.8% AML, 41.6% ALL, as well as 5.6% CML-CP. All patients with CML-AP and CML-BC expressed GATA-2 mRNA and partly expressed IgH germline gene C μ mRNA. 47.8% AML and 41.6% ALL patients coexpressed GATA-2 and IgH germline gene C μ mRNA. GATA-2 + IgH germline gene C μ + cells of AML and ALL were mainly HLA-DR positive. As aberration of the transcription factors, GATA-2 and germline IgH germline gene C μ gene might been linked to leukemogenesis. Various expression of GATA-2 and germline IgH germline gene C μ gene in leukemia might correlated with the heterogeneous differentiation level of leukemia cells. The fact that leukemia with GATA-2 + IgH germline gene C μ + coexpression indicated multilineage impairment of hematopoietic cells.
出处 《中国实验血液学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2000年第3期176-179,共4页 Journal of Experimental Hematology
关键词 白血病 转录因子 GATA-2 免疫球蛋白 基因表达 leukemiatranscription factorGATA-2immunoglobulin havy chain germline gene C μgene expression
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