
巢式PCR法检测髓系白血病患者外周血人类疱疹病毒-6的DNA 被引量:2

Detection of Human Herpesvirus-6 DNA in Peripheral Blood Cells of Patients with Myelogenous Leukemia by Nested PCR
摘要 人类疱疹病毒 6型 (humanherpesvirus 6,HHV 6)是一种常见的病毒 ,与多种人类疾病有关。由于研究过程所采取方法不同 ,对于白血病病人感染HHV 6情况的报道也不一致。本研究首次运用巢式PCR检测了 38例髓系白血病病人外周血单个核细胞中的HHV 6DNA ,其中急性髓性白血病 (AML) 30例和慢性粒细胞白血病 (CML) 8例。结果显示 :与正常对照HHV 6的DNA检出率相比 ,AML患者的阳性率明显降低 ,而CML中则无明显异常 。 Human herpesvirus-6(HHV-6) is largly disseminated in human population, which may relate to many diseases. Due to different methods previously used, the results of HHV-6 DNA detections in patients with leukemia are not identical. With a control-study, HHV-6 DNA in the blood cells from 38 cases, including 30 cases with acute myeloid leukemia and 8 cases with chronic myelogenous leukemia was detected by nested PCR. The results showed that HHV-6 DNA positive rate(63%) in patients with AML was lower than that in controls, whereas no significant difference between patients with CML(75%) and controls(92%) was shown. The clinical importance of HHV-6 infections in myelogenous leukemia should continue to be investigated later.
出处 《中国实验血液学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2000年第3期189-191,共3页 Journal of Experimental Hematology
关键词 人类疱疹病毒-6 髓系 白血病 外周血 巢式PCR human herpesvirus-6myelogenous leukemiaperipheral bloodnested PCR
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