目的了解甘肃省兰州市城关区娱乐场所提供女性性服务人员(FSW)梅毒感染情况及对梅毒相关知识了解程度,为FSW人群的干预工作提供指导依据。方法对城关区高、中、低档公共娱乐场所的400名FSW进行一对一问卷调查,同时进行梅毒抗体检测。结果 400名FSW最近一次安全套使用率为86.00%,最近一个月安全套坚持使用率为73.00%,梅毒感染率为7.75%;不同档次娱乐场所内FSW安全套使用和梅毒感染情况均存在差异;FSW人群对梅毒相关知识的获得途径比较少,相关知识主要来源于宣传活动和电视等渠道,其中宣传活动占52.50%,电视占32.00%,宣传材料占30.50%,网络占26.25%,报刊占13.25%。结论 FSW仍是感染梅毒的高危人群,对FSW广泛开展梅毒相关知识宣传仍是今后综合干预工作的一项重要内容;不同场所FSW梅毒感染率和相关知识了解程度存在较大差异,干预工作应以中、低档娱乐场所的FSW为重点,进一步加强防治知识宣传与干预。
Objective To understand syphilis infection and knowledge level of syphilis in female commercial sexual workers (FSW) in entertainment places in Chengguan District of Lanzhou, to guide intervention in FSW. Methods One-to-one questionnaire investigation was carried out in 400 FSW in low, medium and high grade entertainment places in Chengguan District. Meanwhile, antibodies to syphilis were detected. Results Out of 400 FSW, condom use rate was 86.00% for the latest month and 73.00% of the persistence for the latest month. The infection rate of syphilis was 7.75%. There were differ- ences in condom use and syphilis infection in FSW from various grades of the places. FSW learned knowledge about syphilis by few ways, mainly through propaganda and television. The proportion was 52.50% from propaganda, 32.00% through tele- vision, 30.50% by reading propaganda materials, 26.25% on line and 13.25% by reading newspaper and magazines. Conclu- sions FSW is the high risk group of syphilis infection. Comprehensive intervention in the future is to develop propaganda of knowledge about syphilis widely in FSW. There are differences in infection rate and knowledge level of syphilis in FSW from various places. The intervention should be focused on places of low and medium grades for further reinforcement of propagan- da of prevention.
Bulletin of Disease Control & Prevention(China)
Female sex workers (FSW)
Epidemiological survey