

On the Feasibility of Professional Staff's Ethical Sensitivity with the Eye Movement Analysis Method
摘要 职业人员的伦理敏感性是职业人员对职业、工作中蕴涵的伦理价值与潜在的伦理问题的领悟和解释能力。近二十多年来,研究者们运用问卷、测验、访谈、实验等多种方法探索道德敏感性测评手段的有效性与可靠性,然而均难以探究个体的内部认知特征和情绪反应。眼动分析技术正好弥补以往伦理敏感性测量方法的不足,可以有效地向研究者提供个体内部认知加工过程中的眼动数据。在开发职业人员伦理敏感性测评工具时,可综合采用故事测验法和眼动分析法,由此得到的伦理敏感性测评结果才能更为客观和准确。 Professional staffs ethical sensitivity is a kind of comprehension and explanatory ability for the ethical values and the potential ethical issues during their occupations and work. In the latest twenty years, researchers used questionnaires, tests, interviews, experiments and other methods to explore the effectiveness and reliability of evaluating means of moral sensitivity, but they found it difficult to explore the individual inner cognitive characteristics and emotional reactions. Eye movement analysis technique just makes up for the previous defects of measuring methods and can effectively provide individual eye movement data during the inner cognitive processing for the researchers. In developing the evaluating tools of professional staffs ethical sensitivity, using the story test method and eye movement analysis method can get more accurate and objective results.
作者 吴琼琼
出处 《科教导刊》 2013年第17期218-219,243,共3页 The Guide Of Science & Education
基金 浙江省"大学生科技创新活动计划(新苗人才计划)"项目"职业人员伦理敏感性眼动测评技术的研发与应用"(KZ1304047)阶段成果
关键词 职业人员 伦理敏感性 眼动分析技术 professional staff ethical sensitivity eye movement analysis technique
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