Three different electroactive polymer films containing diphenylbenzidine and diimide functional groups were investigated by Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microgravimetry (EQCM) combined with Cyclic Voltammetry(CV) and Chronoamperometry. These polymer films have multiple oxidative and reductive states. The neutral polymer films can be electrochemically oxidized at their diphenylbenzidine linkage or reduced at their diimide sites. The kinetics of electron transfer, ion com- pensation, and solvent transport during redox switching of such polymer films depend on the type of polymer, its specific redox state, the voltage scan rate, and the direction of redox switching or poten- tial step. The mechanism of redox switching under different electrochemical conditions has been de- termined. The controlling kinetic step may be related to the specific geometrical structure of polymer films at each redox state, and is influenced by different electrolytes and solvents. The order of elec- tron transfer, counter ion compensation, and solvent transport are identified, and the fluxes of ions and solvent are quantitatively determined.
Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Natural Sciences)
financial support from Army Research Office and Department of Energy,USA.