
CFRP加固超龄钢筋混凝土构件的计算分析 被引量:1

Calculation Analysis on Overage RC Slab Strengthened with CFRP
摘要 通过对一超龄混凝土构件进行CFRP加固试验分析、理论计算以及有限元模拟分析,探讨了加固后构件的受力性能以及变形情况。结果表明,CFRP加固可以提高和改善钢筋混凝土构件的受力性能;实际的超龄混凝土板加固后承载能力比规范计算公式要偏低,对于超龄混凝土结构的加固计算,若借鉴规范公式计算应当予以折减;最后论证了所述的有限元模型的建立和分析与试验结果一致,可以模拟和反映构件的性能。 By the experimental analysis, theoretical calculation and the finite element simulation analysis of the over- age RC slab strengthened with CFRP, the performance and deformation of the strengthened RC slab are discussed. The ex- perimental results show that using CFRP can largely enhance and improve the performance of the concrete member. The actual bearing capacity of the strengthened RC slab is smaller than the calculation value of the formulae from the code. Therefore, when it comes to the calculation of the strengthened overage concrete members, the calculation value got from the code should be discounted. In addition, the consistency between the results derived from finite element models and the experiment are demonstrated, and the results indicate that the finite element model can appropriately simulate and reflect the performance of the concrete member.
出处 《混凝土与水泥制品》 北大核心 2013年第7期36-40,共5页 China Concrete and Cement Products
关键词 钢筋混凝土板 碳纤维复合材料 超龄混凝土 加固 有限元分析 RC slabs CFRP Overage concrete Strengthening Finite element analysis
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