
劳动禀赋结构与技能偏向性技术进步——基于技术前沿国家的分析 被引量:8

Labor Endowment and Skill Biased Technological Change:Based on an Analysis of Technology-frontier Countries
摘要 本文分析了技术前沿国家劳动力市场极化背景下劳动禀赋结构对技能偏向性技术进步的影响。理论模型表明,技能偏向性技术进步的方向取决于高、中、低技能劳动间的替代弹性和劳动禀赋结构的变化。实证结果表明,劳动禀赋结构对技能偏向性技术进步存在显著的影响。其中,1970-1990年间,高技能劳动与中低技能劳动存在替代关系,因此,高技能劳动相对供给上升促进了高技能偏向性技术进步。1990-2007年间,高技能劳动与低技能劳动变为互补关系,因此高技能劳动相对供给上升同时促进了高、低技能偏向性技术进步,但抑制了中等技能偏向性技术进步。本文的结论为劳动力市场极化提供了支持证据,也为研究中国就业极化现象提供了借鉴。 This paper analyzes the impact of labor endowment on skill biased technological change in the context of labor market polarization in technology - frontier countries. Our model suggests that skill biased technological change depends on the elasticity among high, middle and low skill labor and the shift of labor endowment. Our empirical analtsis suggests that labor endowment has significant impact on skill biased technological change. Specially, high skill labor is substitute with middle - skill labor and low - skill labor between 1970 and 1990, thus the rise of relative supply of high - skill labor spurred high - skill biased technological change. While high - skill labor is complement with low skill labor between 1990 and 2007, thus the rise of relative supply of high - skill labor spurred high skill biased technological change, as well as low skill biased technological change, but curbed middle skill biased technological change. These conclusions provide a positive evidence for the polarization of labor market in developed countries and a reference for studding the polarization of employment in China.
作者 杨飞
出处 《经济评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期5-12,共8页 Economic Review
关键词 劳动力市场极化 劳动禀赋结构技能偏向性技术进步 Labor Market Polarization Labor Endowment Skill Biased Technological Change
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