
直升机气囊应急着水砰击仿真分析 被引量:2

Simulation analysis on helicopter air emergency dipping water
摘要 结合试验要求,对直升机气囊应急着水砰击问题进行了简化处理,建立简化模型,并根据流固非线性耦合理论建立状态方程。然后用有限元知识,运用ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件,用数值计算方法对直升机浮囊着水砰击在同一工况下进行分析,得出直升机浮囊水平速度、加速度随时间变化曲线;并分析不同仰角、偏航角及垂直速度下,样机的应急着水冲击载荷和水平速度变化规律,最后得出分析结论。 First combined with the test requirements, and emergency helicopter airbag water slamming problem has been simplified to create a simplified model, and nonlinear coupled fluid-structure theory to establish the equation of state. Then using the finite element knowledge, using the ANSYS / LS-DYNA software, numerical methods on the helicopter floating capsule with water slamming analyzed in the same conditions, obtained the helicopter floating capsule horizontal velocity, acceleration versus time curve; And analyze the different elevation angle, yaw angle and vertical speed, the prototype of the emergency to the variation of the horizontal velocity of the water impact load and the prototype. Finally, draw conclusions.
出处 《机械》 2013年第2期27-30,共4页 Machinery
关键词 直升机 着水砰击 ANSYS LS—DYNA 仿真分析 helicopter dipping water ANSYS/LS-DYNA simulation analysis
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