
频率步进太赫兹雷达的一维高分辨距离像 被引量:6

One-dimensional high range resolution profile of terahertz radar
摘要 频率步进信号是一种较常用的距离分辨力高的雷达信号,常用于雷达的目标识别,而太赫兹波比微波信号波长短,更易于实现距离高分辨力。利用0.2 THz步进频率太赫兹雷达实现了高分辨一维距离像,分析了步进频率雷达系统中一维高分辨力距离像的成像原理,对0.2 THz步进频率雷达系统进行了介绍,最后,用Matlab对太赫兹雷达高分辨力进行了仿真,仿真结果表明,频率步进太赫兹雷达对静止目标达到了厘米级的高分辨力,而对于运动目标存在距离发散和耦合时移,速度越大,失真越大。 Stepped frequency signal is one of the most extensively used radar signal for high range resolution, which is commonly used in radar target recognition. The wavelength of Terahertz signal is shorter than that of the microwave, so it is easy to realize the high range resolution. The method how stepped frequency THz radar to obtain the one-dimensional distance image is introduced, and the principle of High Resolution Range Profiles(HRRP) of step frequency radar is analyzed. The 0.2 THz stepped frequency radar system is introduced. Finally, the HRRP of the THz radar are realized by the simulation in Matlah. The simulation results show that the stepped frequency THz radar can reach centimeter-scale high resolution on stationary targets. For moving targets, there exist distance divergence and coupling shift. The higher the speed, the greater the distortion.
出处 《太赫兹科学与电子信息学报》 2013年第3期336-339,共4页 Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划资助项目(973计划)
关键词 太赫兹雷达 高分辨距离像 仿真 频率步进 Terahertz radar High Range Resolution Profile simulation stepped frequency
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