目的:总结30例10 kg以下患儿心脏直视手术的护理经验,增强巡回护士、器械护士在患儿体重10 kg以下心脏直视手术的配合意识以及协助手术医师提高手术成功率,共同促进患儿术后顺利康复.方法:收集2010年10月—2013年4月该小组(巡回及器械护士)参与我院胸心外科运用体外循环进行30例先天性心脏病手术资料,并从中对护理配合要点及体会进行总结分析.结果:30例患儿手术过程顺利,1例患儿在术后第三天死亡,死亡原因为肺部感染(术后尸检证实).讨论:术前精心访视、宣教、心理疏导,术中积极主动配合,术后平稳转运是手术顺利完成及术后患儿健康恢复的关键.参4.
Objeetiv: To summarize nursing cooperation experience for 30 cases undergoing open heart surgery of less than 10 kg in children; To enhance the cooperation awareness between itinerate nurse and equipment nurse in open heart surgery of less than 10 kg in children and help surgeons improve the success rate of operation, and jointly promote postoperative rehabilitation. Methods:Collect the data for 30 cases of congenital heart disease surgery with extracorporeal circulation which were participated by this group (itinerate and equipment nurse) from October 2010 to April 2013 and the experience of care as well as main points were summarized and analyzed. Results: the process of 30 cases underwent an op- eration was smoothly, 1 case died on the third day after surgery, the cause of death was lung infection ( postoperative autopsy confirmed). Conclusion: the preoperative careful supervision, education, psycho- logical counseling, intraoperative actively cooperation, smooth postoperative transit were the key point for successful surgery and Dostonerative rehabilitation. 4ref,~_
JOurnal of Hunan Environment Biological Polytechnic