

On the Spirits of Lu Xiufu from "Inscription of Restoring Prime Minister Lu Xiufu' Ancestral Temple" Written by Yang Ruiyun
摘要 陆秀夫,楚州盐城人,南宋末年丞相,崖山海战为元军所败,负幼帝投海而亡。杨瑞云,生于陆秀夫投海的崖山海边,深受陆秀夫事迹的影响和陆秀夫精神的感召。万历年间任盐城知县,以陆秀夫精神为楷模,极有建树,并重修陆公祠,作碑记抒发感慨,高度赞扬陆秀夫的临危壮举和崇高气节。陆秀夫事迹透射出来的是中国古代优秀文人至高的精神追求,是盐城乃至中华民族古代人文精神的重要代表,每当民族危亡和国家建树的关键时刻陆秀夫精神都发挥着重要作用,在今天新的历史时期,陆秀夫精神被赋予了新的内涵,仍不断激励着后来人。 Lu Xiufu, Prime Minister of the late Southern Song Dynasty, lived in Chu state which is now Yancheng City. In the famous Yashan Battle, the Southen Song army was defeated by Yuan army. Unwilling to surrender to Yuan power, he bore the young emperor on his back and died by drowning themselves to death. Yang Ruiyuu, born by the beachside of Yashan where Lu Xiufu died, was deeply touched by the patriotism of Lu. Therefore, inspired by his heroic deeds, Yang Ruiyun, assigned by the Ming Dynasty government as Yancheng county magistrate, had made many accomplishments there. He restored the ancestral tem- ple of Lu Xiufu and wrote an inscription to express his feelings and spoke highly of Lu' s unyielding integrity and heroic undertak- ing. The story of Lu Xiufu has been the full embodiment of the lofty spirit pursued by the elite scholars throughout the history. Besides, the heroic deeds of Lu Xiufu have mainly represented the human spirits of ancient Yancheng. The spirits of Lu Xiufu would play an important role in the development of our country. Nowadays, the spirits, endowed with new meanings and perceptions, will keep on motivating future generations and inspire them to move forward forever.
作者 夏春晖
出处 《盐城工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第2期16-19,共4页 Journal of Yancheng Institute of Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 陆秀夫 杨瑞云 碑记 精神 Lu Xiufu Yang Ruiyun inscriptions spirits
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