
吴茱萸对利血平所致虚寒证大鼠肝脏能量代谢的影响 被引量:9

The effects of Fructus Evodiae on hepatic energy metabolism in asthenia cold syndrome rats
摘要 目的:探讨热药吴茱萸对虚寒证大鼠肝脏能量代谢的影响。方法:大鼠利血平皮下注射造模,经吴茱萸高剂量(4.2g生药/kg)、低剂量(2.1g生药/kg)灌胃给药干预12天后,测定血清NEAF含量、肝组织SDH、Na+-K+-ATP酶、Ca2+-ATP酶活性、肝脏组织中ATP的含量及EC值。结果:利血平虚寒证大鼠血清NEFA值下降,肝组织SDH活力、Na+-K+-ATPase、Ca2+-ATPase活力均显著降低,ADP、AMP及TAN含量均明显升高,EC值明显降低;吴茱萸高、低剂量均能极显著升高NEFA值,吴茱萸高剂量极显著升高SDH活力,吴茱萸低剂量有升高SDH活力的趋势,吴茱萸高、低剂量能明显降低ADP、AMP及TAN含量,升高EC值;吴茱萸高、低剂量组Na+-K+-ATPase活力显著下降。结论:热药吴茱萸可促进虚寒证大鼠ATP的生成,可能与吴茱萸提高NEFA含量及SDH活性,促进线粒体呼吸功能,提高线粒体氧化磷酸化效率有关。 Objective:To measure the effects of Fructus Evodiae on hepatic energy metabolism in asthenia cold syndrome rats.Methods: SD male rats were randomly divided into the blank control group,model control group,Fructus Evodiae high dose group and Fructus Evodiae low dose group.Model control group and the drug treatment group were injected with reserpine injection hypodermically on the back.The treatment groups were administrated with the water decoction of Fructus Evodiae 4.2g crude drug/kg,2.1g crude drug/kg while the control and modelgroup were administrated with the same amount of saline,once a day for 12 days.The content of NEAF in serum,the activity of SDH and Na +-K +-ATPase,Ca 2 +-ATP in liver,were assayed with spectrophotometric method,the ATP content in liver tissue and energy reserves were determined with HPLC.Results: Compared with the control group,the content of NEAF in serum,the activity of SDH and Na +-K +-ATPase,Ca 2 +-ATP in liver were reduced significantly.Changes of ATP content in liver tissue was not obvious,but ADP,AMP and TAN level were significantly elevated and EC were significantly lowered in asthenia cold syndrome rats.Compared with model group,the content of NEAF in serum can be elevated significantly by Fructus Evodiae at high and low dose,SDH activity can be increased by Fructus Evodiae at high dose significantly,while have the rising trends at low dose.The content of ATP in liver shows no significant changes with Fructus Evodiae.But ADP,AMP and TAN levels were decreased significantly,and EC was increased significantly.The activity of Na +-K +-ATPase was decreased significantly at the high and low dose while the activity Ca 2 +-ATPase had no significant change at high dose but significant increasing at low dose.Conclusion: Fructus Evodiae can promote the formation of ATP,increase the NEFA content and SDH activity,raise mitochondrial respiratory function,increase the efficiency of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation in asthenia cold syndrome rats.
出处 《中药药理与临床》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期111-114,共4页 Pharmacology and Clinics of Chinese Materia Medica
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)基金项目(2006CB504702) 江西省自然科学基金项目(2010GZY0170 2010GZY0145) 江西省教育厅项目(GJJ12519)
关键词 吴茱萸 利血平 虚寒证 寒热药性 能量代谢 Fructus Evodiae(吴茱萸) reserpine asthenia cold syndrome energy metabolism
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