
壳聚糖嫁接大环席夫碱Cu(Ⅱ)配合物的合成及其抗氧活性研究 被引量:3

Preparation of chitosan grafted with Cu(Ⅱ)-complexes of macrocyclic Schiff Base and evaluation of their antioxidant activity
摘要 制得了系列壳聚糖嫁接的大环席夫碱Cu(Ⅱ)化合物(CTS-Ln-Cu(Ⅱ).通过元素分析、1 H NMR、FT-IR、MS及扫描电镜(SEM)等手段对上述化合物的结构和组成进行了表征.并采用邻苯三酚自氧化法测定了它们的抗氧活性.结果表明,经过嫁接后均具有良好的抗氧活性,其IC50值分别为:15.81,18.82,21.44和19.33×10-3 g.L-1. A serial of the chitosa grafted with Cu(II )-complexes (CTS-Ln-Cu( II ))macrocyclic Schiff base have been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis,ill NMR, IR, MS spectra and scanning electron micrograph(SEM). The activity of mimicking superoxide dismutase of the comple- xes was determined by autoxidation of 1,2,3-benzenetriol. It was found that the the chitosa grafted with macrocyclic Schiff base complexes(CTS-Ln-Cu( II )) had good antioxidant activity, and with IC50 values of 15.,81,18.82,21.44 and 19.33×10^-3g·L^-1 ,respectively.
出处 《分子科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期246-250,共5页 Journal of Molecular Science
基金 贵州省科学技术基金资助项目(黔科合J字[2011]2023) 贵州省国际合作资助项目(黔科合外G字[2012]7036)
关键词 壳聚糖 席夫碱Cu(Ⅱ)配合物 抗氧活性 chitosa Schiff base Cu( II ) complexes antioxidant activity
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