

Analysis and Research on the Choice Problem of Modern Distance Education——From the Perspective of Gender Theory
摘要 随着科学技术的发展及其在教育中的广泛使用,现代远程教育已为人们获得现代教育提供了更多的机会,其教学模式和教学手段逐渐成为世界各国实现教育机会平等的"均衡器"。在社会性别理论视角下,需要关注现代远程教育学科选择的性别差异现象、现代远程教育学习方法中的性别差异以及现代远程教育中的性别差异等问题,进而使人们更充分地认识和理解远程教育在教育现代化发展历程中的价值和重要作用。 With the development of science and technology and its widely using in the field of education, modern dis- tance education provide more opportunities to access to education for people, and the teaching model of modern distance e- ducation is becoming an "equalizer" to improve equal opportunities in education all over the world. From the perspective of gender theory, people should pay attention to gender differences of the choice of disciplines and learning methods in modern distance education, and the gender differences in modern distance education, etc., so as to fully realize and understand the value and important role of distance education in the modernization of distance education.
作者 敬少丽
出处 《教育理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期12-15,共4页 Theory and Practice of Education
基金 2010年度教育部人文社科研究项目<效率 平等与女性教育机会研究>(项目批准号:10YJA880050)的阶段性研究成果之一
关键词 现代远程教育 教育选择 社会性别理论 女性 modern distance education educational choice gender theory women
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