
金纳米棒非聚集比色法测定多巴胺 被引量:1

Non-Aggregation Colorimetric Method for Determination of Dopamine
摘要 基于在金纳米棒(AuNRs)-Ag+-多巴胺(DA)体系中,DA快速将Ag+还原为Ag,Ag包裹在AuNRs表面形成核壳状纳米棒(Au@AgNRs),改变了AuNRs周围的电介质环境,导致其纵横比减小、纵向等离子体共振吸收波长带(LPAB)蓝移,同时伴随着溶液的颜色发生显著的变化,藉此开发了一种快速测定DA的比色法.方法已成功应用于血清中DA的测定,其结果与荧光法相吻合.此外,探讨了比色法测定DA的机理. A non-aggregation colorimetric method for the rapid determination of dopamine (DA) has been developed based on the fact that DA can reduce Ag+to Ag on the surface of gold nanorods (AuNRs) to form Au core-Ag shell nanorods (Au@ AgNRs) in a AuNRs-Ag+- DA system, which leds to the change of dielectric function: the aspect ratio of AuNRs decreases, the longitudinal plasmon absorption band (LPAB) of AuNRs blue shifts (△λ ) , and the color of the solution changes obviously. The method has been successfully applied to the detection of DA in serum, and the results were in a good agreement with those determined by the fluorescence method. The mechanism for the detection of DA has also been discussed.
作者 郑志勇
出处 《分析测试技术与仪器》 CAS 2013年第2期83-87,共5页 Analysis and Testing Technology and Instruments
基金 漳州职业技术学院资助项目(ZZY1215)
关键词 多巴胺 AuNRs纳米棒 比色法 dopamine gold nanorods colorimetric method
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