
高氧液在治疗大鼠脑损伤模型中S-100B蛋白的研究 被引量:2

The Mechanism of Hyperoxic Fluid and S-100B in Acute Traumatic Model of Rat
摘要 目的研究及探讨高氧液在治疗大鼠急性颅脑损伤模型中的疗效及其机制,为进一步研究新的治疗颅脑创伤的技术而奠定基础。方法以不同冲击力,制作轻、中、重度弥漫性脑损伤动物模型(N=20),分别给予以高氧液(20mg/kg),静脉注射,取脑脊液分析S-100B的浓度。结果①不同级别脑损伤组的S-100B蛋白水平较正常组明显上调(P<0.01),且在不同程度颅脑外伤组中,S-100B蛋白的变化与颅脑外伤严重程度呈正性相关(P<0.01);②各组均以20mg/kg为标准量分别给予高氧液后,各治疗组S-100B蛋白水平均较其对应的损伤组明显降低(P<0.01),且各组间S-100B蛋白的水平无明显差异。结论 S-100 B蛋白在临床上可作为可靠参数加以参考。至于它参与脑损伤机制的研究,则有待于我们进一步研究。 Objeetive To discuss and research the mechanism and effect of hyperoxic fluid in acute traumatic model of rat so as m lay the foundation for the new method of clinic treatment. Method Mild moderate, severe group was divided by different impact. Every group was injected with hypemxic fluid (20mg/kg) from vein..Result (1) The expression of S- 100B protein of every traumatic group is up-regulated obviously. (2)After injection with hypemxic fluid(20mg/kg), the expression of S- 100B of every treatment group is down-regulated significantly(P〈0.01),and Between every group ,the expression of S-100B is not obviously(P〉0.05). Conclusion The S- 100 B protein in clinical parameters can be used as a reliable reference. As it is involved in the mechanism of brain damage, then we need to be studied further.
出处 《中国医药指南》 2013年第16期24-25,共2页 Guide of China Medicine
关键词 高氧液 脑损伤模型 S-100B Hyperoxic fluid Acute traumatic model S-100B
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