

A land transport network optimization model for the city consisting of a group of islands
摘要 为优化设计群岛型组团城市的陆路交通网络,提出一个双层规划模型.其中,上层模型从效率、环保和公平三个方面,优化陆岛和岛际间的由陆路通道和水运线路构成的交通网络,是一个总出行时间最小、单位出行者碳排放最低和各岛屿经济发展潜力最均衡的多目标网络优化问题.下层模型在陆路和水路构成的综合交通网络上均衡分配交通流.设计基于帕累托优化的遗传算法求解模型,并通过实例研究验证模型的适用性和有效性. Aiming to optimize and design the land transport net- work in a city consisting of a group of islands, this paper propo- ses a hi-level programming mode/. The upper-level model is to optimize the transport network between the islands, which con- sists of land corridors and water shipping lines, in terms of effi- ciency, environment protection and equity. It is a multi-objective optimization model to minimize the total travel time, the carbon emissions per travelers and the disparity of the developing poten- tial among the islands. The lower-level model is to assign the OD trips on the network outputted by the upper-level model with the user equilibrium theory. A heuristic algorithm is designed to solve the proposed model based on the Pareto optimality. Final- ly, a case study is employed to verify the applicability and effec- tiveness of the model.
出处 《大连海事大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期69-72,共4页 Journal of Dalian Maritime University
基金 教育部博士点基金资助项目(20112125120005) 中国博士后科学基金资助项目(2012M520611) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51078049) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2009QN086 3132013320)
关键词 网络设计 群岛型组团城市 水路运输 多目标优化 帕累托优化 network design problem island city water trans- port multi-objective optimization Pareto optimality
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