中国经济在进入新世纪以后继续保持较高速度稳步增长 ,是因为中国经济仍处在转型期中 ,存在巨大的发展空间。中国经济在前进的道路上依然面临严峻的挑战。跨入新千年门槛的中国经济要继续完成经济结构调整 ,扩大内需 ,加快科技进步 ,深化以国有企业改革为中心环节的经济体制改革 。
China economy will continuously and steadily be in growth at comparative high speed because of the enormous developing space for China economy in transition, while there are still some severe challenges. In new millennium, China′s economic structure should be continuously modified, while domestic market demand should be expanded. With the accelerating of science and technology, the economic system reform, whose key is the reform of SOEs , should be deepened to establish efficient social security system.
Journal of Guangdong University of Business Studies