

Clinical analysis of 22 cases of cesarean scar pregnancy
摘要 剖宫产子宫瘢痕妊娠(Cesarean scar pregnancy,CSP)是指孕卵、滋养叶细胞种植在剖宫产子宫瘢痕的微小裂隙处并在此生长发育,是一种较为罕见的异位妊娠,是剖宫产的远期并发症之一。近几年随着剖宫产率的增加,其发病率也在明显增加,但早期难诊断,易误诊误治,则可能发生无法控制的大出血、子宫破裂等危及孕妇生命,现对我院收治的19例CSP病例临床资料进行回顾性分析,报道如下。 Objective Objective To compare the clinical efficacy of bilateral uterine artery embolization(UAE),uterine artery chemoembolization(UACE) of cesarean scar pregnancy(CSP).Methods 22 cases of CSP admitted to Nanjing Medical University of Hangzhou Hospital from Jan.2008 to Mar.2013 were analyzed retrospectively.Both of the management including bilateral uterine artery embolization(UAE) and uterine artery chemoembolization(UACE)of these 22 patients were reviewed,the percentage of human chorionic gonadochopin-beta subunit((β-hCG) reduction,menstrual period after the treatment of CSP were also followed.Results The time about making β-hCG and menstrual period back to normal in group B were significandy less than those in group A(P <0.05).Conclusion Uterine artery chemoembolization was properly used in treatment of CSP.
作者 张励
出处 《中国医药指南》 2013年第17期139-140,共2页 Guide of China Medicine
关键词 剖宫产 瘢痕妊娠 MTX 宫腔镜 scar pregnancy cesarean section Methotrexate uterine artery embolization
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