目的探讨国产阿德福韦酯片治疗活动性失代偿乙型肝炎肝硬化的疗效和安全性研究。方法两组均给以保肝降酶、对症以及血制品支持等治疗,观察组患者在对照组所有用治疗的基础上,加用阿德福韦酯片。结果两组患者在治疗后的结果显示,观察组的ALT复常率、HBV DNA转阴率、HBeAg转阴率明显高于对照组。Child-Pugh评分的变化观察组中有10例病情加重,对照组中有32例病情加重。血常规、尿常规及肾功能均未发生明显变化,均未表现出明显的不良反应。结论国产阿德福韦酯片治疗活动性失代偿乙型肝炎肝硬化的疗效好,安全性可靠,值得进行大力的推广与应用。
Objective Investigate the efficacy and safety of domestic adefovir dipivoxil tablets to treat the active decompensated hepatic cirrhosis. Methods 100 patients divided into treatment group and control group. The control group is treated as usual, and the control group is treated on the addition of adefovir dipivoxil tablets. Results After the treatment, ALT normalization rate, HBV DNA negative rate and HBeAg negative rate are all higher in the treatment group than in the control group: Child-Pugh changes is better in theffeatment than in the. control group. Both groups are no significant adverse reactions. Conclusion He efficacy and safety of domestic adefovir dipivoxil tablets to treat the active decompensated liver hepatic cirrhosis is very good, and worthy to be Donularized.
Guide of China Medicine