
GIS和MATLAB在泥石流防治工程流量计算中的应用研究—以北川县苏保河为例 被引量:1

Application of Flow Calculation of Debris Flow in Control Engineering by GIS Technology and MATLAB—A Case Study of the Su-Bao River in Beichuan County
摘要 根据1976年松潘地震的经验,可预见未来较长时间内,"5-12"地震灾区泥石流防治的工程量十分巨大。针对目前泥石流防治工程流量计算中获取流域特征参数工作量大、低效等问题,本文在确定出研究区最佳分辨率为10m的DEM基础上,用MATLAB数学软件实现了目前较新的"三方向算法"洼地填充处理,消除了传统算法中河流"平行线"现象,较好保留原始地形信息,成功构建出水文地貌关系正确DEM(Hc-DEM)。提取出水网和相关流域等数据,经有机结合处理,并结合研究区泥石流特征,在苏保河泥石流沟上游设计一工程防治点,利用GIS技术成功实现了泥石流流域面积F、主沟长度L和主沟床平均纵比降J等参数的自动、快速、准确提取。在MATLAB平台下设计出暴雨洪峰流量和泥石流洪峰流量计算的自动算法,结合研究区实际情况,最终实现泥石流流量的计算。研究表明,在泥石流防治工程流量计算中,多功能软件及优化算法的集成,可以快速有效的实现泥石流相关参数的自动获取和流量的智能计算,满足了日益增加的泥石流防治需求。 It is know that preventing the hazard of debris flow in the "5-12" earthquake-stricken area is formidable based on the experience of Song-Pan earthquake which had happened in 1976. It is obviously complicated to gain watershed parameters for flow calculation of debris flow in control engineering and the working efficiency is difficult to certify, and also it seriously af- fects the designation of control engineering. In this paper, the parameters were computed automatically and intelligently based on the algorithms developed in MATLAB and GIS technology. As a result, the designation of prevention engineering for disas- ter can be carried out in a more efficient way. In order to establish a highest accuracy DEM called He-DEM which can mostly reflect the true basin characteristics, the best resolution of Hc-DEM has been tested to identify 10 meters in the study area based on the comprehensive quantitative analysis of topographic indices, and the newer filling-sink algorithm in three directions is implemented to eliminate the paralleled rivers which the traditional method can not do. Based on organically integrated data of watershed, after the points in debris flow control works are defined, it can quickly and accurately determine the engineering point of convergence of the scope of watershed, and the main gully bed line and its profile can be obtained, then the average longitudinal slope of main channel bed be calculated by its improved integral method, at last the required follow-up hydrological calculation parameters can be calculated in debris flow control design. Research showed that the multi-function software and the integration algorithms can achieve fast and effective automatic acquisition of relevant parameters for debris flow for the increas- ing demand in prevention works of debris flow.
出处 《地球与环境》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期266-273,共8页 Earth and Environment
基金 国家"863"计划项目(2009AA12Z124) 2010年高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20105122120014) 四川省教育厅科研项目(13ZB0190)
关键词 GIS 泥石流流量计算 流域特征参数 自动提取 北川 GIS flow calculation of debris flow watershed parameter automatic acquisition Beichuan County
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