通过对安康水电厂 200 MW水轮发电机组59m、64 m、69 m、74 m、79 m、81m及85 m等水头段不同运行工况的补气量测试、噪声测试、尾水进人孔振动及机组大轴摆度的综合测试与分析,对机组的噪声幅度、补气装置及效果、各种工况下的运行稳定性作出了科学的评价,并提出了相应的建议。
Tests and analysis are made for the enlargement air, noise, vibration of tail pipe man door, shaft oscillation under water head of 59m, 64m, 69m, 74m, 79m, 81m and 85m in the light of 200MW hydrogenerator in Ankang Hydropower Sation. Scientific assessment are put forward for noise level, effect of enlargement air equipment and operating stability of the units under different condition, corresponding advises are proposed as well.
Northwest China Electric Power