
合肥光源储存环四六极磁铁组合支撑设计及样机振动测试 被引量:1

Design of quadrupole and sextupole magnets supporting mechanism for HLS storage ring and vibration tests of the prototype
摘要 目前正在进行的合肥同步辐射光源的改造项目,对电子储存环内束流的稳定性提出了更高的要求.储存环地基的固有振动会导致支撑机构和四六极磁铁的振动,影响磁场位形,从而降低束流稳定性和束流寿命.针对上述问题,设计了新的四六极磁铁组合支撑机构,测试了储存环地基、现有支撑以及新组合支撑样机的振动情况,分析地基振动的影响因素、变化情况、能量分布等,计算并对比现有支撑和新组合支撑样机对地基振动的放大情况.结果表明,新组合支撑样机的抗振性能明显优于现有支撑,有利于提高束流稳定性,满足储存环物理设计要求. Beam stability is one of the most important requirements for the improvement of HLS (Hefei light source). However, vibration of ground is the main factor affecting the quadrupole and sextupole magnets and their supporting machanisms and reducing the beam stability. In this paper, we design a new supporting mechanism, have vibration tests to the ground, existing supporting mechanism and a prototype of the new supporting mechanism, analyse influence factors, change trend, power distribution of the ground vibration, calculate and compare the response of existing supporting mechanism and the prototype to ground vibration. The result shows that anti-vibration performance of the prototype is much better than the old supporting mechanism. The design improves the beam stability and meets the design requirements for the store ring.
出处 《中国科学技术大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期486-490,共5页 JUSTC
基金 中国科学院重大科学改造项目(合肥光源重大维修改造)资助
关键词 同步辐射光源 电子储存环 支撑 振动 synchrotron light source electron storage ring supporting mechanism vibration
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