目的了解高校教师脂肪肝的发病及血脂情况,探讨预防发病的干预措施。方法 2012年西藏民族学院教职工健康体检,1416例受检查者按年龄分组(即<30岁组,30-39岁组,40-49岁组,>50岁组)经彩色多普勒检测脂肪肝,空腹检测血清甘油三酯(triglycerides,TG)总胆固醇(cholesterol,CHO),用SPSSl9.0对结果进行分析。结果彩色多普勒检测1416例中有104例脂肪肝,不同年龄组间脂肪肝的发病率有统计学差异(X2=30.486,P<0.001),即随着年龄增大脂肪肝发病率增加,各年龄组不同性别间脂肪肝发病率无统计学差异(P>0.05);低年龄组TG、CHO与高年龄组比较,有统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论随着年龄的升高,尤其是40岁以上高校教师人群中的脂肪肝和高脂血症发病率明显升高。
Objective To understand the occurrence of fatty liver disease and Hyperlipidemia in universi- ty teachers,and explore the interventions to prevent the illness. Methods In health examination to the fac-ulty of the Tibet University for Nationalities , 2012 , the 1416 total cases were divided into four age groups (〉30,30-39,40-49. and〉50age). The liver and Fasting lipid(triglycerides,TG and cholesterol,CHO)of the total cases were examined by B ultrasound and automatic biochemical analyzer, and the results were statistically analyzed by SPSS19.0. Results Of the 1416 total cases,there are 104 cases of fatty liver disease confirmed bv B ultrasound, and significant differences in incidence of fatty liver disease exist among age groups(χ230. 486P〉0. 001) ,namely,the occurrence of fatty liver disease increases with age increasing,and no significant sex differences are observed in age groups. The level of TG and Cho from the groups with higher age,are significantly higher than those from the groups with lower age(P〈0. 001. mainConclusions The incidence of fatty liver disease and Hyperlipidemia among the faculty of the Tibet University for Na- tionalities increases with age increasing, particularly in the cases from the above 40 age groups.
Tibetan Medicine
B ultrasotmd
Fatty liVer
Total cholesterol