

Demand for Metrological Standard of Pharmaceuticals in Water
摘要 水环境中药物已经成为一种新型"持久性"污染物,大量的药物及其代谢物对生态安全和生物的健康具有潜在的巨大威胁。准确测定水环境中的药物种类和含量,对于环境药物污染防治具有重要意义。水环境中药物标准物质作为量值的载体,在化学测量中具有重要作用。提出了研究开发环境药物计量标准的必要性和意义。 The pharmaceuticals in water became one kind of new persistence environmental pollutants. The drugs and metabolites may endanger the ecological safety. The accurate profile data of pharmaceuticals in waters is essential for the water disposal. The metrological standard of drug is very important for the valid result and comparable data. The necessity and important to develop the environmental drugs reference material were put forward.
出处 《化学分析计量》 CAS 2013年第4期11-13,共3页 Chemical Analysis And Meterage
关键词 环境污染物 药物 计量标准 标准物质 environmental pollutant pharmaceutical metrological standard reference material
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