In the Tang Dynasty, some younger distant members of the imperial clan without prominent family ground could become qualified candidates for the examination of the Ministry of Rites after they had passed the examination of the Court of the Imperial Clan. Such younger distant members of the imperial clan could generally be called jinshi from the imperial clan, while those of them who succeeded in passing the examination of Ministry of Rites were called top finshi from the imperial clan. Most of such jinshi were younger distant members of the imperial clan: During the Tianbao ( 天宝) Period under the reign of the Emperor Hstian-tsung (玄宗) , the imperial court enlarged the domain of the imperial clan and promoted all the younger distant members of the imperial clan to the fifth category, so that they became qualified for the examination of the imperil clan and further for the examination of the Ministry of Rites. One of the important reasons why they chose such a road to gain qualification for these examinations was that their forefathers had lower official ranks and they had no other easy access to officialdom. But in the examination of the Ministry of Rites, such candidates did not enjoy any special preference, and they could become successful only by their own talents.
Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
Tang Dynasty, younger distant member of the imperial clan, Court of the Imperial Clan, jinshifrom the imperial clan, top jinshi from the imperial clan