
山东四所大学学生结核病防治知识知晓率调查分析 被引量:54

Analysis of awareness rate of tuberculosis control and prevention among students in four universities in Shandong pro-vince
摘要 目的掌握山东四所大学学生结核病防治知识知晓率的水平,为今后更有效地开展健康教育提供方向和重点。方法采取整群随机抽样的方法。共抽取815名调查对象,使用统一的调查问卷进行面对面询问式问卷调查,其中有效问卷800份(其中,山东籍学生610名,外埠籍学生190名),有效率98.2%(800/815)。采用Epi-Data 3.1双录入,建立数据库,用Excel 2003和SPSS 13.0软件进行整理分析,采用χ2检验进行各率的统计学检验,以P<0.05为有统计学意义。结果被调查者结核病防治5条核心信息的总知晓率为51.8%(2072/4000)。其中,"咳嗽、咯痰2周以上,或痰中带血丝,应该怀疑得了肺结核"的知晓率最低,为27.6%(221/800);其次是"在县(区)级结核病防治机构检查和治疗肺结核,可享受国家免费政策"的知晓率,仅为33.7%(270/800)。在被调查的院校中,89.9%(719/800)的大学生认为肺结核是比较严重和很严重的疾病,55.5%(444/800)的大学生认为得了肺结核对学习有很大影响;33.1%(265/800)的大学生主动了解过肺结核知识,25.6%(205/800)的大学生主动传播过肺结核知识。大学生获得肺结核防治知识的渠道是"听别人讲过",占65.4%(523/800);"网络"占51.5%(412/800);"医务人员的讲解"占44.3%(354/800);"社团活动"占36.5%(292/800)。大学生喜爱的宣传材料是"宣传画"51.0%(408/800)。山东籍大学生5条核心信息总知晓率(52.8%,1610/3050)高于外埠籍大学生总知晓率(48.6%,462/950)(χ2=5.009,P<0.05)。结论山东四所大学学生结核病防治知识知晓率较低,高校结核病健康教育工作应引起足够重视。 Objective To understand the awareness of tuberculosis(TB)control and prevention in 4 universities in Shandong province and to provide evidence for the direction and priority of health education. Methods 815 students were selected through the cluster random sampling method, and they were interviewed face-to-face with a standard questionnaire. 800 valid questionnaires were collected eventually(among whom 610 were from Shandong and 190 were from other provinces), and the effective rate was 98. 2% (800/815). The EpiData 3.1 software was used to set up the database and double entry of the data,Excel 2003 and SPSS 13.0 were used for data analysis. Chisquare test was used for comparing difference of rates,α=0. 05. Results The total awareness rate of 5 core information was 51.8% (.2072/4000). In 5 core information, one specified as "People who cough, expectorating more than 2 weeks,or blood stained sputum, should be suspected of suffering from TB" had the lowest awareness rate(27.6 %, 221/800), followed by the awareness rate of 33.7 % (270/800)for the core information that specified as "people who receive the TB examination and treatment in the TB control institute at county(district)level can enjoy the free policy". 89. 9 % (719/800)college students knew that TB was a serious or very serious disease, and 55.5 % (444/800) thought that TB has a great influence on learning. 33.1% (265/800)students had taken the initiative to learn tuberculosis knowledge, and 25.6 % (205/800)had actively disseminated tuberculosis knowledge. The main sources of TB knowledge were "mentioned by others" ( 65.4 %, 523/800), "network" ( 51.5 %, 412/800), "explained by the medical staff"(44. 3%,354/800), and "community activities" (36.5%, 292/800). Poster was the most favorite materials in college students(51.0%,408/800). The total awareness rare to 5 core information of students from Shandong was 52.8 % (1610/3050), which was higher than that in respondents from other provinces(48. 6 %, 462/950)(Х^2 = 5. 009, P〈0.05). Conclusion The awareness rate of TB in the 4 universities in Shandong is still low. Tuberculosis health education in university should be paid sufficient attention to.
出处 《中国防痨杂志》 CAS 2013年第7期516-520,共5页 Chinese Journal of Antituberculosis
关键词 结核 预防和控制 觉知 健康教育 学生 问卷调查 山东省 Tuberculosis, pulmonary/prevention control Awareness Health education Students Questionnaires Shandong province
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