
互文性:19世纪俄罗斯文学与绘画的靓丽风景 被引量:1

Intertextuality: Scenery of Russian Literature and Painting of the 19th Century
摘要 19世纪的俄罗斯文学与绘画是俄罗斯艺术殿堂中的两朵奇葩,既争奇斗艳,又互相映衬。它们在主题、人物形象、艺术风格方面相互呼应、相互借鉴、相互吸收、相互转化,所构成的互文文本,体现了批判现实主义的美学观念,表现出相同的美学诉求和价值取向。文学文本与绘画文本的开放性和多元性,有助于我们深刻认识文学和绘画现象发生发展规律,进而做出科学的历史评价和审美评价。 Russian literature and its painting of the 19th century remain two wonders in Russian arts.In themes,figure image,art style,they are mutually echoed,absorbed and converted,forming an inter-text and representing aesthetical concept of critical realism and showing identical art pursuit and value orientation.The open and various text of literature and painting contributes us to understanding rule of literary and parting progress and further judging historic and aesthetic evaluation scientifically.
作者 杨玉波
出处 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期142-145,共4页 Academic Exchange
基金 黑龙江省教育厅人文社会科学项目"俄罗斯文学与其他艺术形式关系研究"(11552072) 哈尔滨师范大学人文社会科学培育基金项目(SXP2009-05)阶段性成果
关键词 19世纪 俄罗斯 文学 绘画 互文性 the 19th century Russia literature painting intertextuality
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