目的了解我院门诊处方整体质量情况,对不合理用药处方进行分析,督促临床合理用药,提高处方质量,保证医疗安全。方法逐日查看我院2011年度门诊所有处方,剔除麻醉药品处方和精神药品处方,共计70 878张,按科室、处方总数、不合格处方数、不合格处方类型进行统计,计算处方合格率,对不合格处方分类统计。结果我院处方合格率为95.62%,不合格处方中不规范处方占57.99%,用药不适宜处方占36.06%,超常处方占5.95%。结论我院处方合格率符合陕西省等级医院评审中有关处方合格率≥95%的要求,但仍存在一定问题,尤其是不合理用药处方,应引起临床医师重视,同时医院应加强合理用药知识培训,进一步提高临床合理用药水平。
Objective To obtain the overall quality information of outpatient department in our hospital. By analyzing the unqualified prescription, to promote the rational clinical prescription, improve the quality of prescription. Methods 70 878 prescriptions prescribed in 2011 in our hospital (narcotic drugs prescription and psychotropic drugs prescription excluded) were checked. The pre- scriptions were classified according to its department,total rtumber, number of unqualified prescription and their type. Results The pass rate in our hospital was 95.62~. Among the unqualified prescriptions, irregular prescriptions,occupied 57.99%, not stand- ard,inappropriate 36.06 %, excessive use prescriptions 5.95 %. Conclusion The pass rate in our hospital meets the requirement of the level of hospital accreditation in Shaanxi Province, which is above 95 %. However, there are still some problems, especially the irrational prescriptions, which should be noticed by clinicians. Meanwhile, the hospital should enhance the training to improve the capability in prescribing proper clinical medicine.
Northwest Pharmaceutical Journal
quality of prescription
irrational use of medicine
analysis of prescription