
战后美国幼托体系对女性就业的影响 被引量:3

The Influence of American Child Care System on Women’s Employment after World War Ⅱ
摘要 二战后,美国女性的生活状态发生了不同以往的改变,大量女性受战争时期劳动力紧缺的需求,以及战后社会繁荣发展的影响,开始从家庭步入劳动力队伍,参与社会生活。伴随女性劳工的增多,家庭责任与社会生产之间的矛盾日益突显出来。建立完善的幼托体系对于保障女性的持续就业具有十分重要的意义,然而美国政府对此一向采取漠视态度,从政府的各项体制和政策制定上都没有给予应有的支持,导致女性在就业道路的发展中阻碍重重。本文从美国幼托体系发展的梳理中探析了幼托体系不健全的原因,以及此社会事实对女性就业产生的不良影响,从而窥见美国政府对女性就业一贯无视的态度。 After the WWII, changes of American women's life from tradition happened, large numbers of women came out of their family to take part in the social life and finally to participate into the la- bor force for the reasons of the requirement of labors in the wartime and the influence of social prosperity after the War. With the increase of women labors, the conflicts between household re- spons'ibility and social production had become quite distinct. The foundation of perfect child care system could guarantee the consistency of women labors. However, the American government had not paid much attention and given adequate support to the formulation of various systems and policies, which lead to a lot of setbacks for women in their career. This paper dips into the reasons for the imperfect of child care and its disadvantageous affection on women's employment by elab- orating the development of child care system. Thus, we can experience the ignoring attitude of American government on the issue of women labors.
出处 《历史教学(下半月)》 CSSCI 2013年第7期49-55,共7页 History Teaching
关键词 二战 美国 女性就业 托管体系 WWII, American Women,Employment of Women,the System of Child Care
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